Although always-on displays have been around for years, you won’t find them on iPhones. The company appears to be planning to implement it later this year.

In his Power-On newsletter, Bloomberg’s Mark Gurman reported that iOS 16 does support an always-on display:

The always-on display displays the time, weather, battery percentage, and/or notifications, and has been around for over a decade. In 2009 and 2010, the technology was featured on Nokia’s Symbian smartphones, before being ported to Android via Motorola, LG, and Samsung a couple of years later.

However, it’s better late than never, and a combination of an OLED display and a low refresh rate (say, 1Hz) could result in a negligible impact on the iPhone 14 series‘ battery life.

However, this is not the only update coming with iOS 16, as Apple is also expected to bring wallpapers with widget-like features and improved windows and multitasking.